Friday, October 19, 2012

10/19/12 Food log

Food Journal:

  coffee with creamer and sweetner

16oz water(chugged)

(free) BBQ sandwich from First National
Diet coke
handful of kettle corn

16oz water
Grilled chicken
small amount of mashed potatoes, corn &
Baked zucchini (from pinterest: zucchini tomato bake) I'll let you know how this turns out....looks SOO yummy!!
Baked Zucchini and Tomato Casserole's goal

                                         Day 1 goal: Drink WATER and drink living water!!!
This is so simple yet why do I find it so incredibly difficult to drink water? Some days by the end of the day, I look back and realize I have and a cup of coffee, a soda, and maybe a green tea....that's it! How is that even possible? But I think it is the same with my intake of spiritual water. By the end of the day, as I lay in bed for the night and look back and realize I didn't even take two minutes to get what I needed for the day in His Word.  Grrr.....
Well, today my one and only REAL goal is that I get both! Trying to decide how best to tackle this goal though. So far everyone in the house isn't feeling the best which tends to make it hard to be motivated.
So, how should I go about reminding myself to drink water?
Heard of wearing a colored braclet that helps you count how many cups you have had. I could keep a bottle of water with me all day or use a Taco cup. I think the Taco cup makes me want soda....nevermind that idea. :) I think I will just chug 16oz in a minute and that way I am 1/2 to the 8 cup goal. Then I will carry a bottle of water with me the rest of the day and not drink anything else till I finish the other 16oz. lol! Right now the goal is to get it in...not exactly to do it in a certain way. I will try to change my method as I get more use to getting 8 cups in a day!

2nd part of this goal....I have been wanting to try this.
I want to have "quiet" time with my kids. I think later today I am going to set a basket of all the devo/ Jesus books I have in the room with me and have a 30minute timer. The kids get to sit quietly and look through the devotional books (or color bible coloring pages) for that time while I sit and read and pray. A friend of mine did this with her little girl and I just think it sounds magical! Although I will have to choose a good time. Like when C goes down for nap this afternoon or something cause otherwise I don't think it will be very "QUIET"!

So there it is. I will let you guys know how I did tomorrow.
Miss Hopeful signing out! lol!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Needing Motivation

In a huge effort to find the needed motivation to do what I need to, I decided a blog that I invite people I know and love to have the ability to read with a commitment to update often would be what I need. So, here it attempt at counting the cost of motivation. I recognize that other efforts haven't really helped and that I am totally uncomfortable and insecure about doing this; which is what makes me believe it just might work!!! :) Please don't feel obligated to read or comment or anything really. Its all in the knowing that you can read whatever is here and that you are invited into such a transparent place in me that makes this what I need it to be. My goals are this:
To spend time in the Word daily (spiritual growth)
To record a food journal (physical growth)
To become more organized with how I spend my time (management of time and resources)
All of these goals are on a general level. I am wanting to learn ways to spend my time with the Lord daily and plan to try different ways to bring that about. I also want to be disciplined to loose the wait that just keeps going no where! *blah* And by being better disciplined with how I spend my time, money, and resources I know that other areas in my life will be blessed as well, including with my children and husband and church family. Know that if you were invited to read my blog it is because I respect you and feel like knowing you see my progress or lack of is big for me because I really wish for you to only see good and be proud of me therefore I believe your accountability is so valuable! Thank you for being in my life and giving me the push I need to do what I know should be done! You're awesome and loved!